Even when adults with autism live outside the family, their families especially their mothers have extensive contact and involvement in their care. In sum, these findings suggest that neurodevelopmental social impairment exists in varied forms with varied etiologies and varied pathophysiologies, but the ASD diagnostic criteria do not identify a valid entity, Link to the entire piece https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s40489-016-0085-x.pdf. Most cases of autism involve all three of these factors; that is, your overall autisticness is a combination of your familial genes, mutations, and environmental risk factors. If Im not, that suggests one of three things: Fall short of that threshold and you have a pile of severely broken processes. The taller the tower, the stronger the foundation has to be. Perhaps whats happening is that the genetic factors passed along are responsible for generally supporting IQ, but high IQ parents are having children later in life for some reason (more years of schooling than average, early stage demanding careers, saving a nest egg before starting a family). At the individual level things are generally way more complex than these symptom-based diagnoses and the key is to ask *why* the kid isnt mixing well socially, gets into fights / lashes out, or cant sit still rather than reify it as a brain dysfunction. There was a Conversations With Tyler podcast with Michelle Dawson (link here including transcript) where this was discussed. For example, the experience of people who are blind at birth and then are given sight as an adult vs. those who lost vision as a child and then have their sight restored as an adult. What are the percentages of children who fall in each group? My parents were optometrists. Im not a great student of philosophy, but I dont think most modern philosophers look at the writings of Plato or Descartes or Kant or Hume and think they were intellectual lightweights. This is a common situation, but not with many genes of small effect. There is also some link to male sex, I do believe that there are higher levels of males with low intelligence autism. We start with a presentation of a summary of the article, and then discuss in a friendly atmosphere. And this is a productive comment because? Brilliant, productive people dont spend time either wishing to be normal, wishing to be different, or obsessing how they are different from normal. Theyre simply too busy getting things done for a triviality that reduces to dumb averages to matter to them. Wheat something something something autism and schizophrenia. 6 6 6 6 6 marries 6 6 6 6 6, decent chance of getting a 9 9 8 7 9 stone cold genius. Level measurements also seem consistent with possible causes being differences in responsiveness to oxytocin rather than differences in normal concentration. If youre trying to compare the IQs of parents and children, you need to have both the parents and children, and be sure that the parents are in fact the parents of the children in question. And so humans recently had/still are having a massive selection for genes that require lower thresholds for immune responses, and genes that outsource some of the immune de-escalation responsibilities to gut microbes and parasites, etc in order to get a faster jump have proliferated to the point where a lot of these are normal now; this is the hygiene hypothesis or old friends hypothesis and the best outline of I can offer for it is the book An Epidemic of Absence by Moises Velazquez-Manoff. -.-). I dont think cystic fibrosis works that way. A reasonable guess there is that the smartest engineer on the pyramid project was not much dumber than the smartest engineer working on the Apollo projectthey came up with brilliant one-off solutions to their problems, which didnt stick around because there wasnt much use for them in day-to-day building problems. Theres no reason to assume that every intelligence-enhancing trait necessarily increases weirdness. And so, wed expect that not every person blessed with a strong combination of intelligence-enhancing traits is going to have an excess of weirdness that they have to brute-force emulate their way around. Autistic people have weird developmental trajectories. If missing, intelligence develops a lot less/later/incompletely? And autistic people have more health issues than non-autistic people do. I never liked that. These are the people that make the Turing test invalid, youd think they were the chatbot. And second, doesnt it say that in the bottom graph, the dotted and solid lines represent unadjusted and adjusted estimates, respectively? It draws on the VPR model of intelligence, where g (general intelligence) is divided into three subtraits, v (verbal intelligence), p (perceptual intelligence), and r (mental rotation ability) despite the very specific names each of these represents ability at broad categories of cognitive tasks. I dont think there was much correlation at all with years of formal education, and the paths their lives and careers took are almost unimaginable now. The damn thing has basically come true! Low-functioning autism has all kinds of genetic linkages to all kinds of different genetic syndromes that cause brain damage, damage that often extends beyond autistic symptoms. We dont let people who are neither smart nor charismatic hang out with us, and people who are both smart and charismatic dont want to hang out with us. Ive looked into this topic myself, not professionally or anything-just as an interested lay researcher with a science/statistics background- and had a less well-articulated formulation of the tower vs. foundation model in mind for awhile, too. This intelligence is shifted towards technical subjects. corticalchauvinism. Our 2nd, 4th, and 5th children are not autistic, so parent age doesnt seem to have played a role in our case (though we were both relatively young even for our fifth, at 36 and 35.). Shes unable to work in a normal public school classroom, but luckily we have a charter school that specializes in children with autism that has worked well for her. And also reproducing younger (banking frozen eggs and/or sperm early for the IVF). Maintaining or constructing rigorous social boundaries would be the only thing that would protect a human with IQ300 from a human with IQ400 (or a seed AI). The familial genes mentioned above: common genes that increase IQ and that evolution positively selects for. Dr. Laura Baur is a psychiatrist with interests in literature review, reproductive psychiatry, and relational psychotherapy; see her website for more. Anecdote is not data, which overwhelmingly show a negative correlation between IQ and fertility. Youre starting with the premise intelligence is incompatible with normality and then reflexively dismissing all evidence to the contrary with theyre not really normal, theyre just pretending. Which is 1.) I. If so, then the top-level geniuses may well have something else going on upstairs to enhance their intelligence, some other difference from the norms, that isnt part of the complex of IQ/autism risk genes. If you get the volume knob too close to the feedback point, the sound will start to behave strangely it will ring weirdly in a way its never done before. The idea is that autistic children have more and finer-grained category boundaries, causing them to over-differentiate similar phonemes that most speakers use interchangeably. For example, why do people with down syndrome or williams syndrome have differently shaped faces? Its normally at 5.0 in an average human. This study of three large birth cohorts finds a correlation between genetic risk for autism and cognitive ability (beta = 0.07). Why is this the case? As the authors put it: Because the ASD diagnosis is defined by just two symptoms from an individuals complete set of symptoms, an ASD-defined sample is widely over-inclusive, capturing many different lifelong conditions that can arise from a complex combination of multiple genetic and environmental factors (Dawson 2016, para. Perhaps something similar but more extreme is true of autism: maybe autistic people are more highly represented at both ends of the IQ distribution. So far, this is still 70% wish-casting to 30% reality-aligned. I havent seen any real evidence for it, or even any real support for the idea as a serious theory. 2015, p. 81). He has the making of a superb engineer. ABA research, like autism research in general, suffers from an appalling lack of rigor. If it is, that could explain some of these results. Epistemic status: not too bad, certainly good enough to have my old head of department, a grand old neurogeneticist interested in this if still maintaining healthy scientific skepticism. While our latest study shows that autistic people, on average, have a shift towards a masculinised profile of scores on empathy and systemising tests, they are not extreme males in terms of other typical sex differences. (2) Genes associated with autism arent being selected for In primary school, for a while we used to have daily spelling tests, where we had to spell ten words. Of course, since intelligence and social aptitude seem to have a slight positive correlation, the real number might be closer to 150,000 or 200,000. That would give me more than enough money to give the middle finger to all the ignorant normies in our politically correct society, with plenty left over to hire some bodyguards and build mechanical defense systems to insulate me from any of the outraged pearl-clutching idiots who decided to use physical violence against me when their threat of social sanctioning wasnt enough. Her claim was that autistics often did *way* better on Ravens than on the multiple subtest kind of IQ test. But you know what really has provided a massive survival advantage over the last few millenia of people clumping up together in cities? There are almost no exceptions. Non-verbal people requiring institutionalization? But as mentioned before, autistic people themselves on average have lower intelligence. The Gardner study seems to suggest its a very weakly elevated risk, maybe only 1.1x or 1.2x relative risk. and they seem just as likely to have unplanned children as less intelligent people with equally bad impulse control. I find it absolutely bizarre that the intelligence of kids who dont fit in is often ignored. To some extent, incompatible advantages can stack by affecting entirely different things (one runner with salutary mutations affecting his legs, his lungs, and his adrenal gland) But to some extent they cant. And at least a few of them were probably just lying outright. Heres a study that claims Few adults with autism have intellectual disability; however, autism is more prevalent in this population. I guess in a context-specific sense, normal is being defined as not-autistic? This would also neatly explain how a primarily genetic disease is becoming more prevalent people were always producing autistic children, they just werent surviving before. The Effective Altruism newsletter provides monthly updates on the highest-impact ways to do good and help others. (1) genes that promote autism are correlated with IQ and unsurprisingly, ID is inversely correlated with IQ; ADHD also shows a strong inverse correlation with IQ. control children (though see the discussion here) for some debate over how seriously to take this; I am less sure this is accurate than most of the other statistics mentioned here. High IQ, excellent at math, maybe a little socially awkward but not too bad (we live in a reasonably large town, so there are lots of like-minded kids he can socialize with.) As a practical matter of course these disorder clusters can easily overlap and often do, as seen in the most recent DSM when they allowed co-diagnosis of autism and ADHD for the first time (by popular demand pretty much!). Preoccupation with whats normal and whether you are normal is a sign of mediocrity in my experience (though its not terminal). IQb + low genetic load : extremely high intelligence, slight or undetectable autistic tendencies, strongly tenchnically inclined This is interesting to me, since I am on a career path to become a high end career civil servant, GS-12 at 25 years old for those that know what that means, and I am anything but normal. This seems a possible explanation, if high-IQ parents have children significantly later, I like the tower explanation, but not so much the different types of intelligences: maybe autism is a combination of rare IQ-boosting alleles inherited from parents, together with high general genetic load (which, among other detrimental effects, decrease IQ, negating the IQ-boosting alleles). Theres some evidence for this between 2002 and 2017, we saw a decrease in the diagnosis gap between rich and poor white people, but the gap between rich and poor Hispanics and rich and poor Blacks remained constant. High-functioning autism looks more like the same polygenetic soup one finds with other complex personality characteristics like intelligence or Big Five character traits. Higher IQ people have lower infant mortality rates than lower IQ people. Either way, I dont think you can have one without the other above a certain level. He initially appeared to learn the names of items when we attached labels with printed words on them around our house. This isn't the fun "really likes trains a lot" kind of autism but the "will scream for an hour if I point out a mistake on his math homework" kind and the "I can't hire a babysitter because they've all . In a situation where being outcast from the tribe means that the tribe is going to die instead of the outcast, then the tribe had better learn to put up or shut up. Theyre often chatting about the latest sportsball game or what their kids are doing or their vacation plansconversations that wouldnt seem unusual anywhere in the US. (Apologies for a machine metaphor that is certainly misleading, but better than anything else than I can think of.). Autism, and Neurodiversity. My wifes father (an engineer) is likely autistic. IQb medium genetic load : high intelligence, autistic highly functional autist or autistic tendencies, strongly tenchnically inclined We had children at around 30. But quickly selected out of the gene pool doesnt help the individual person who got one of them, who tends to end up severely disabled. The brain has hyperparameters, just like an artificial neural network. 6. Two of these are diagnosed as autistic, though with very different forms. My 3rd child, a girl, is much lower functioning. Auditory learning is therefore the only accessible means for learning prior to the bridging of other brain functions. For some parameters, exceeding the optimum can lead to strange and non-obvious errors. Its much easier to please one person than an entire society, and unlike our judgmental mouth-breathers in the States, Putin at least seems like a pretty pragmatic and reasonable guy. And many types of successful arrangements/balances existbrilliant minds can look very different, and a trait or dynamic good in one person can take another person down if the overall arrangement is out of whackactually, the same trait can lead to wildly different outcomes in the same person. * Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it. This has held me back at networking events, but overall, there is some tolerance for being abnormal out of the office. Having charismatic superpowers isnt normal, and I suspect requires being sufficiently unconcerned with opinion sufficiently thing-oriented so as to cease to be normal. Altruisto is a browser extension so that when you shop online, a portion of the money you pay goes to effective charities (no extra cost to you). A link between Tay-Sachs gene and intelligence. The best civil servants get an extra allowance of weirdness points to allocate as necessary. a decline in IQ scores, in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, France and German-speaking countries,[4] a development which appears to have started in the 1990s, the Flynn effect has ended for the majority in developed nations, Research that has examined whether g factor and IQ gains from the Flynn effect are related have found there is a negative correlation between the two. Plus being allied to Putin would allow me to strike back at the assholes in the U.S. who treated me unfairly because they were offended by my pragmatic philosophy and refusal to play along with their ignorant social customs, so that would be a nice little side bonus. For one thing, the same studies that found that relatives of autistic patients had higher IQs find that the autistic patients themselves have much lower ones. Or the dad may have left or tuned out because he couldnt handle the situation (but could have handled a socially inept kid who wont shut up about WWI airplane models). If the g factor and IQ gains from the Flynn Effect are negatively correlated, then does that mean that IQ tests are gradually being more and more poorly designed over time? I think top 1% is too low a bar for incredibly. Disguised in that almost is a very slight tendency for fathers to be unusually intelligent, plus a (statistically insignificant) tendency for them to be unusually unintelligent. Maybe even only a small fraction of potential arrangements are just right to produce ever-increasing levels of some capability in the phenotype. Any chance its just a matter of recessive genes? Seems like it could apply if there were many genes of small but overlapping effect, so that one particular aspect of mental performance is sometimes pushed past the breaking point. I know it when I see it and all that. It is where his bread is buttered professionally, but I wish he would think more deeply about it. Moreover, if your family isnt too bright, you might not even recognize that theres something funny about your latest kid. The strong differences in estimated SNP heritability between ASD cases with and without intellectual disability, and highest in Aspergers provide genetic evidence of longstanding observations. because it is in line with the current prevalence of autism diagnoses in children, but a bit lower. On the first level its obviously because of the genetic abnormalities they have, but its not like we could look at those gene differences and predict that those features would develop in that way. This probably calls for some elaboration. A lot of dog breeds, particularly those that are very small (like Teacup Yorkies), very large (like Great Danes), or otherwise very different from the default canine somatoform (like Pugs), tend to suffer from health problems at a vastly higher rate than mutts or more natural breeds (e.g. I dont know why, but my prior is that the mothers age matters more. If females have a higher average baseline social competence, it would stand to reason that even the impaired girls would remain above the diagnosis threshold in greater numbers. Id guess the funny people can be funny even when their jokes bomb, because they can make their failed jokes into a joke at their own expense? It turns out that giftedness can be quite a burden for children and teenagers, as not many of their peers can relate to them and vice versa. Potential confounder: having a low-functioning autistic child is highly stressful and often unpleasant. My experience watching a relative currently diagnosed with severe, non-verbal autism grow up is that his diagnosis is a catch-all for he doesnt seem capable of abstract thought but we have ruled out all the other, better-understood potential causes. No one can offer more than conjecture about the cause of his condition, and no one knows how to treat it (unless you listen to the vaccine-chelation charlatans the way that his father does) so why is the medical establishment making confident claims regarding the connection between his condition and high-functioning autism?
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